
Why Dash Warning Lights are Used Instead of Exterior Light Bars


When people think of emergency warning lights, they often assume that the only products that are available are exterior light bars that are installed on the top of the car. It is true that many emergency response vehicles have these light bars for use during an emergency situation, but there are also a number of other lighting solutions that can be used instead. If you are shopping for emergency lights, then you should consider the advantages of dash warning lights for your car or truck.

What are Dash Warning Lights?

These lights are similar to the lights that go on the outside of the car, the only difference is that they are compact and located within the interior of the car. Instead of having a bulky set of lights on the roof of the car, it is easier to have the smaller lights on the dashboard or installed on the visor.

These interior vehicle lights serve the same purpose as bigger lights: making other drivers aware of an emergency situation, notifying people that something is happening, or signaling drivers to pull over for a traffic stop. The lights typically stay out of view until it is time to use the lights, then they are turned on. When the lights are activated, they are bright enough to capture the attention of everyone in the area.

Do You Need External or Internal Light Bars on Your Car?

When you compare the differences between exterior and interior light bars, you will see that there are a number of options available to choose from. How do you select the right products for your individual needs? It is important that you consider exactly how the lights will be used in order to determine the right products for your car.

For example, a construction crew truck will likely benefit from having the lights on the outside of the car, because the truck will always be labeled and identified as a work truck. But, if a police car is going undercover, then there might benefits to having the lights on the interior of the car instead of the outside of the car.

At SpeedTech Lights, we specialize in all types of emergency vehicle lighting systems, including dash warning lights. We invite you to contact us anytime, and we will gladly answer your questions and help you find the LED light systems that best meet your individual needs. Contact us today for more information!